> 春节2024 > 大年初二吃什么菜呢英文





There are so many kinds of food which I like. One of my favorite dishes is a sandwich. It is a versatile and easy-to-make meal option. To make a sandwich, you will need sliced bread, your choice of fillings such as meat, cheese, veggies, and condiments like mayonnaise or mustard.

初二英语小短文: The recipe for my favorite food_作业帮

My favorite food is a banana milkshake. It is a refreshing and nutritious beverage. To make it, start by peeling three ripe bananas and placing them in a blender. Then, add a cup of milk and a scoop of ice cream. Blend until smooth and creamy. You can also add a dash of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra flavor.


不明确 对于这个问题,我无法给出明确的结论。大年初二是中国传统春节期间的一个特殊节日,因此在英语国家中并没有特别规定的名称或庆祝方式。然而,在全球范围内,人们通常会在这一天享用各种美食以庆祝新年的到来。

大年初二英语怎么说? - jD102fhg2bH 的回答

The second day of the Lunar New Year 在英语中是:The second day of Chinese New Year。希望能采纳,谢谢。


1. We both have some things in common. For example, we both enjoy eating delicious food and exploring new cuisines. This shared interest brings us together and allows us to bond over our love for good food.

2. To make a salad, you have to cut up the onions first, then add them to the mix. Onions provide a crunchy texture and add a savory flavor to the salad. They are a great addition to any salad recipe.

3. The recipe for the milkshake is quite simple. First, peel the bananas and chop them into small pieces. Then, add them to the blender along with a cup of milk and a scoop of ice cream. Blend until smooth and enjoy!


Eating safely means choosing restaurants that look clean and hygienic or opting to cook your own meals. It is important to ensure the quality of the ingredients, especially when it comes to meat. Make sure beef is properly cooked to avoid foodborne illnesses.

【初二英语连词成句 根据自己的理,用英语解解释下列句子连词...


1. It is unhealthy to pick up food with your hands. Instead, you should use utensils like forks or chopsticks to avoid contact with germs or bacteria.

2. Everyone should learn to eat regular meals. This means having a balanced diet with proper portions and timings. Regularly consuming nutritious meals benefits our overall health.

初二上英语期中试卷 Sandwich is a kind of popular western food.

The answer to the given question is ccbacbadba. It seems like the second person\'s answer matches mine. Maybe we covered this topic last year during our mid-term exams. I seem to have gotten all the answers right back then.


1. He enjoys playing sports in his free time. Playing sports helps him stay active and maintains his physical fitness.

2. Combining different flavors and ingredients can result in unique and delicious dishes. Chefs often experiment with combining various spices and herbs to create interesting flavor profiles.

3. To bake a cake, you need to mix the ingredients together until they form a smooth batter. Mixing is an essential step in the baking process as it ensures that all the ingredients are evenly distributed.


In English, \"初二\" can be translated as \"grade 8\" or \"second grade of Middle School\". It represents the second year of junior high school education.
